Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Meditation for Pain Relief

If you are suffering from pain, you may want to consider meditation for pain relief. Before you do this, it is always advisable to seek medical advice for pain as pain is the body's way of letting you know that there is something wrong.

Anyone who has heard of the expression about the power of mind over matter will easily understand the benefit of meditation for pain relief.

Here are just a few methods in which meditation can help in alleviating pain:

Concentration techniques: ithese can help in easing your suffering by keeping your mind away from the source of the pain. Usually, a pain is even more magnified because you can't help but focus on it. If your attention is focused elsewhere, the pain becomes more manageable.

Mindfulness meditation: This involves being aware of your present condition and accepting it as such. If a person accepts that he/she is currently in pain, dealing with it would be much easier.

Visualization: This can also be considered as a type of self-hypnosis. It is done by creating an image of the pain and imagining it moving away from the body.

As suggested by these methods, they will not actually take the pain away, but they will make dealing with the pain a lot easier.

This is also the reason why methods like those mentioned should be coupled with the proper medical advice. As mentioned above, consulting your doctor is advised before even trying the meditation for pain relief exercises.

1 comment:

Bobby said...

Do you think this would work for toothache pain too? I can't keep from focusing on it so it hurts that much worse.