Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meditation Breathing Techniques

Meditation breathing techniques are an integral part of meditation. Proper breathing is required in many practices of meditation and is therefore an important tool to be possessed by people who wish to perform this activity.

The practice of proper meditation breathing techniques help you to relax while doing the exercise. Proper breathing is achieved by inhaling through the nose, letting the diaphragm (not the chest) expand and exhaling through the mouth.

Doing this slows down your heart rate which leads to a more relaxed mood.

Meditation Breathing Techniques also play a significant role in improving your your concentration. This is done by focusing your mind on the act of taking in air and feeling it pass through the nostrils until the air is finally exhaled through the mouth.

While this may sound easy, it can be quite challenging when done for the first time.

There is also a method for increasing your awareness. Just like the concentration technique mentioned above, it involves focusing your attention on your breathing.

But instead of focusing on the act of inhaling and exhaling air, it is the sensation of breathing where you train your thoughts. The feeling of the air passing through the nose, filling the lungs and expanding the diaphragm is the sensation that a person should look for.

It helps you feel how it is to be truly alive.

Hopefully you now understand how important meditation breathing techniques are. It is no wonder, that mediation and breathing are inseparable activities.

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